Operating Theater
In our operating theater, equipped with the latest technology, we operate using local anesthesia or with general anesthesia with a team of experiend anesthesists. Amongst the most common operations are:- Anuscopy, rectoscopy
- Course of treatment for hemorrhoids (conventional or by radiofrequency), elastic ligatures
- Course of treatment of hernias (traditional method or video-assisted)
- Course of treatment of varicose veins (conventional or by endovenous radiofrequency)
- Diagnostic Laparoscopy
- Biopsy (taking of a sample of tissue for diagnosis)
- Removal of skin and subcutaneous tumours
- Course of treatment for an ingrowing nail (Kocher technique)
- Excision of lymphatic ganglions
- Incision and drainage of panaritium, paronychies and abcesses
- Vasectomy (male sterilization)
- Wound treatment